Anti Bullying Policy

We understand that bullying has the potential to result in serious negative consequences for an individual’s health and wellbeing, and all forms of bullying is regarded by the Governing Bodies as unacceptable in this sport.

Bullying is characterised by repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed at a person or group of persons that creates a risk to health and safety. Bullying behaviour is that which a reasonable person in the circumstances would expect to victimise, humiliate, threaten, degrade, offend or intimidate a person.

Bullying behaviour can include actions of an individual or a group.

Whilst characterised by repeated behaviours, one-off instances can amount to bullying.

The following types of behaviour, where repeated or occupying as part of a pattern of behaviour, would be considered bullying:

  • Verbal abuse including shouting, swearing, teasing, making belittling remarks or persistent
  • Unjustified criticism;
  • Excluding or isolating a group or person;
  • Spreading malicious rumours; or
  • Psychological harassment such as intimidation.

Football Australia – National Member Protection Policy

Harassment and Discrimination Online Course (Play by the Rules)