Club sponsors represented with Wembley Park signage

At Wembley Park on Saturday, February 10, new signage of our sponsors was put in place around the sideline fencing, with names and logos proudly displayed.

General ground maintenance work was also conducted, with the pitch coming along nicely in readiness for our opening Friday night matches across men’s and women’s.

Box Hill United President George Petheriotis showed his appreciation for the tireless efforts by our volunteers.

“Thank you to our wonderful parents for helping out in the first working bee,” he said.

“They have put up the signage for our sponsors and it looks amazing.

“We look forward to seeing them again for our main clean up working bee on Saturday.”

Box Hill United FC would like to thank the valuable contributions of our hard-working volunteers as we prepare for season 2024.


Next working bee:

Date: Saturday 17th February

Time 9:00AM till 12:00PM

Locations: Wembley Park / Sparks Reserve